The Shedding Light on Motion series.
Get your students up to speed…

Shedding Light on Motion Episode…
1: Speed
2: Acceleration
3: Relative Motion
4: Graphing Motion
5: Graphing Free Fall
6: Newton’s First Law
7: Newton’s Second Law
8: Newton’s Third Law
The Shedding Light on Atoms series.
How do we know about atoms if they’re too small to see?

Shedding Light on Atoms Episode…
1: The Dawn of Modern Chemistry
2: Oxygen Everywhere
3: The Discovery of Atoms
4: The Periodic Table
5: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
6: Electron Shells
7: Covalent Bonding
8: Ionic Bonding
The Shedding Light on Acids and Bases series.
They’ll get a good reaction.

Shedding Light on Acids and Bases Episode…
1: Acids in Industry
2: Acids and Carbonates
3: Neutralization
4: pH
5: Advanced Acid-Base Chemistry
The Shedding Light on Energy series.
Teach Energy without using much!

Shedding Light on Energy Episode…
1: Forms of Energy
2: Measuring Energy (Energy Intake and Energy Expenditure)
3: Energy Efficiency
The Shedding Light on Heat series.
Hot Stuff!

Shedding Light on Heat Episode…
1: Temperature
2: Changes of State (Solids, Liquids, and Gases)
3: Thermal Expansion
4: The Kelvin Scale
5: Heat Transfer
6: Heat and the Human Body
The Shedding Light on Electricity series.
High-Voltage Education!

Shedding Light on Electricity Episode…
1: Sources of Electricity
2: Electric Circuits
3. Electric Current
4. Voltage, Current, and Resistance
5. Electrical Safety
The Shedding Light on the Sun and Earth (Climate Science) series.
The series you need in the current climate!

Shedding Light on the Sun and Earth Episode…
1: Seasons
2: Long Hot Summer Days
3: Following the Sun
4: The Coriolis Effect (and Tropical Cyclones)
5: Land and Ocean (and their Effect on Climate)
The Shedding Light on Nuclear Radiation series.
It doesn’t get much beta!

Shedding Light on Nuclear Radiation Episode…
1: Atomic Structure
2: Alpha Radiation
3: Beta-Minus and Gamma Radiation
4: Beta-Plus Decay
5: Half-Life and Activity
6: Radiocarbon Dating
7: Natural Radioisotope Production
8: Synthetic Radioisotope Production
The Shedding Light on Light series.
Let your students see it.

Shedding Light…
on Reflection
on Curved Mirrors
on Refraction
on Lenses
on Colour
on Electromagnetic Waves
More Resources:
They’re all free and they’re all fantastic!

Gallipoli Balloon Bursters (Drip Balloons): Students have to design and build a water-powered contraption that automatically bursts a balloon after a small time delay. The activity is based on the Drip Rifle, which was set up by Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers in the trenches of Gallipoli in World War I.

Trip Wire Balloon Bursters (Trip Balloons): Students have to design and build a contraption that automatically bursts a balloon when a person walks through a trip wire which triggers the contraption.

The Periodic Table Table: it’s made of paper, but you’ll never believe how much it can hold!

The Law of Reflection and Other Light-related Practical Activities: reflection, refraction, lenses, and more…

Investigating Motion: A range of practical activities relating to Motion.

Electricity Practical Activities: Best Electricity Pracs. EVER.

Chemistry Practical Activities
They’re sure to fire up your students!

How Big is an Atom? The easiest way to visualize the size of an atom.

Cool Heat Experiments. Hot Stuff!

Usain Bolt vs Spiro Liacos: Lots of very moving practical activities! It was neck and neck, and then the gun went off.

Archimedes the Musical: density, buoyancy, levers, pulleys, betrayal, and more…

Solar Reflectors: students build a solar reflector/solar oven using cardboard, foil, and mathematics.

Astronomy Activities: Great activities for teaching an Astronomy unit.