It doesn’t happen all that often, but whenever the issue of the differences between men and women comes up in class this is what I give as my opinion.
There is nothing that you can say about the personalities of men that applies to all men and that doesn’t also apply to some or even many women. Likewise, there is nothing that you can say about the personalities of women that applies to all women and that doesn’t also apply to some or even many men.
The physical differences between men and women are obvious. Men, on average, are bigger, stronger, and faster than women, and of course there are the clear differences in their reproductive systems.
However, though we often read generalizations about what men and women are like and how they are different, when it comes to interests, attitudes, and behaviours, there’s a huge overlap.
So, if you want to pursue a career in a field that in the past (or even now) was (or is) more common for members of the opposite sex to get into, then go for it. Don’t let what others like, dictate what you do!
There are currently far more women than men who are primary school teachers, but, boys, if the job interests you, do it. There are currently far more men than women in the computer sciences, but, girls, if the job interests you, do it.
Over the past three decades I have taught literally thousands of students, and, when it comes to brain power, there’s no obvious difference to me between boys and girls. I think there are personality differences between most boys and most girls, but each individual in this room is not “most boys” or “most girls”. You are unique with your own unique interests! So while you’re at school, learn as much as you can to get to where you want to get to.
Anyway, let’s get back to the topic of… (and then we get back to whatever Science topic we were doing)

Generalizations about Men and Women Are Fine, but…
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